My first Young Adult novel, a paranormal romance set in a haunted castle in France. Read an excerpt from the book!
The tarot card of The Wheel of Fortune provided inspiration for much of “Wake Unto Me.” Read about the role of tarot in writing the story.
Find free copies of “Wake Unto Me” — and other goodies! — in a geocache in Seattle.
Six lessons on life I’d tell my 18-year-old self, if I could.
People often ask me if I get any say about the cover art for my books. Sure I do! But does anything I say end up on the cover? Rarely, which may be for the best. Here’s the story of the cover to Wake Unto Me.
What I’m working on now, in the YA genre.
A list of all my books, printer-friendly and in order of publication.
A few highly recommended friends...