Sometimes, killing the dragon is the easy part.
The medieval village of Markesew was besieged, its virgins demanded in tribute, so when St. George the Dragonslayer arrived from modern times — in his silver pants and lace-up boots — his quest was clear. Being a professional wrestler didn’t qualify him for the task, but a sword and imagination were all he needed…. or so he thought, until he came up against the mysterious mistress of Devil’s Mount.
Twelve years ago Alizon had been sent to die in the jaws of the serpent. Too tough for dragon teeth then, she’d never surrender to some foreigner in shiny hose now. She feared first for the secret world she’d built atop her mountain…. but as the hero approached, Alizon realized it was not the dragon’s armor he’d come to pierce, but the scales around her own ferocious heart.
Originally published as “George and the Virgin,” by Dorchester Publishing.
Available in both print (through Amazon) and in e for all e-readers.
Nominated for 2002 PEARL
ParaNormal Excellence Award in Romantic Literature
Reviews :: George and the Virgin
George & The Virgin could have been a hammy farce. It ends up being a fine fantasy of heroism, healing, courage, and of course, love. Heck, it makes both the fantasy reader and romance reader in me radiant with pleasure the way only a good book could. Hey, you crappy books in my TBR pile, all is forgiven. I’m okay with the romance genre all over again, and I will put that kerosene can away. But I’ll only tackle the rest of you after another rereading of this wonderful story. I love this book, two thumbs and a pinkie up!
Rating: 97
Mrs. Giggles
Everything Romantic!
George and the Virgin was exactly what I needed to read last weekend. It was fun. It was funny. It had only the teeniest, tiniest, most negligible bit of angst – just enough for character development. It has the honor of being the only book I’ve read for review this year where I did not count the pages. The story flew, and the pages almost turned themselves. This may just be my favorite romance of 2002.
Grade: A-
Rachel Potter
All About Romance
***** Be warned, books by Lisa Cach are very addictive! This story DEMANDED my attention from the first page. The pages flew by quickly. I lost much sleep because I HAD to see what was going to happen next when I should have been in bed. Highly recommended. *****
Five Stars!
Detra Fitch
“….a delightfully fun read – and probably the most unique book to cross my path in some time.”
Wendy Crutcher
The Romance Reader
Lisa Cach reveals a masterpiece of creativity in writing what appears on
the surface to be a comedy; but discerning readers will discover a story of
great depth as they unravel the parable to find the morals hidden beneath the
surface. GEORGE & THE VIRGIN is a great read – don’t miss this one!
Carol Carter
Romance Reviews Today
This is a very entertaining tale with skillfully delivered humor and
well-planned situations to add drama. I could visualize what I was
reading and therefore found it difficult to stop turning pages until the
end. Couched in chuckles, there are a few home-truths about human nature
shown as the plot unfolds. This book is another shining example of how
well-written books can beat TV and movie sitcoms in capturing the
imagination and entertaining. I highly recommend it for those who want
fun and fantasy in their reading.
Cy Korte
I’ve been a fan of time travel romances for years and this book
exemplifies the very reason why I enjoy them so much. I was hooked on this
book from the very beginning and avidly devoured it far late into the night
in order to find out exactly what happens to Alizon, George and the eleven
virgins. I’m happy to say that I was sighing with happiness with the
ending to this highly recommended and quite captivating time travel romance.
Kathy Boswell
Managing Editor, The Best Reviews
“Lisa Cach ingeniously takes a contemporary professional wrestler and sends him back in time to fight a virgin-eating dragon. Anyone who reads the tale will know that Ms. Cach is a brilliant innovator as this humorous time-travel tale succeeds because the story line never deviates from not taking itself too seriously. Readers will relish the professional wrestler seeking a “script” to fight the dragon in this comedic, romantic romp.”
—Harriet Klausner
Background Notes :: George and the Virgin

St. Michael’s Mount, off the south coast of Cornwall, which became “Devil’s Mount” in my story. The dragon lives beneath the castle.
The idea for “George and the Virgin” came from several places: from a trip to St. Michael’s Mount off the coast of Cornwall; from a favorite painting of St. George killing the dragon; and from watching and reading interviews with professional wrestlers. To my surprise, many of them seemed like nice guys, who love their job and seem to have a real sense of fun. And it didn’t hurt that a lot of those guys have make-me-drool bodies!

One of my favorite medieval paintings of St. George killing the dragon. Notice the virgin in the background, looking rather pleased to be watching a battle!
But what would one of them do if he had to do some serious, life-or-death fighting? I wondered, and thus was born George Arlington, “The Saint”, who gets sent back in time to face one heck of a bad-ass dragon. The story takes place on “Devil’s Mount”, my imaginary version of the real-life St. Michael’s Mount, in Cornwall.